NFSS | National Finch & Softbill Society 501(3)(C)
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Saffron or Brazilian Saffron

(Sicalis flaveola)

These friendly 6″ birds are found in Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela and the Guianas. They have also been introduced into Jamaica in 1923, and are thriving.

Forehead and crown bright orange. Yellow head, Greenish-yellow above with dusky streaks on the mantle, underparts bright yellow. The female is duller above and considerably paler beneath. The older the birds become, the more the yellow and green colors intensify. Eyes are dark brown, beak is brownish-gray (lower mandible paler), legs deep pink.

They are extremely insectivorous and should be offered a large variety of insects in addition to the normal finch and/or canary diet. They also should be offered green food.

In the wild they nest in tree hollows, and they will use closed type nesting boxes in captivity. The normal clutch consists of three to four white eggs and incubation, usually performed by the hen, last 14 to 14 days.

Saffron finch Saffron finch