NFSS | National Finch & Softbill Society 501(3)(C)
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Schedule of Show Points

NFSS 2015 Official Point Schedule

NFSS provides many opportunities to accumulate points in our sanctioned shows.

Our Process on points

The presiding judge assigned to the show sends to the Judges Panel Director who tracks both exhibitor and the bird’s points over lifetime as long as the member maintains an active membership.

Champion Awards

A bird can achieve Champion Bird status when it accumulates 50 NFSS points or more during its lifetime. NFSS will make a $50.00 cash donation to a worthy avicultural cause on behalf of each Champion Bird, as selected by the bird’s owner.

High Point Unflighted Award for the Calendar Year: Calculated at the end of the calendar year the unflighted bird with the highest points earned in the calendar year. Must be earned by a bird with an NFSS registered or cross-registered band and exhibited by an NFSS member.

High Point Flighted Award for the Calendar Year: Calculated at the end of the calendar year the flighted bird with the highest points earned in the calendar year. Must be earned by a bird with an NFSS registered or cross-registered band and exhibited by an NFSS member.

If an NFSS exhibitor places in the top ten in a show judged by a NFSS Panel Judge s/he will automatically receive the same number of points for that placement for her/his NFSS closed banded bird, per the NFSS Points Schedule.

An NFSS exhibitor achieves Champion Exhibitor status when she has accumulated 50 points or more during a calendar year.

An NFSS exhibitor who accumulates 200 or more points during her lifetime achieves Exhibitor of Excellence status.

For the Champion Bird award birds should be NFSS closed banded or cross registered to qualify for these points. For more information on cross registering birds. (read more)

Effective Point Schedule Jan 1 2015

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